Raising over £2000 for Niemann Pick Research and Awareness
This year a group of us will be cycling 60miles, walking 10miles, and canoeing 5miles from the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Oxford to the Niemann Pick UK family conference in Wyboston Lakes in Bedfordshire.
The conference is always a great event and chance to meet the families affected by this disease and also discuss the direction of the scientific research. The money we raise will go equally towards the charities Niemann-Pick UK (NPUK) and Niemann Pick Research Foundation (NPRF), which do amazing work in providing vital support to the patients and their families 24/7. Without their work, the public awareness of this disease would be almost non-existent. NPUK and NPRF are part of an international alliance of NP charities (INPDA) who work to raise awareness and facilitate networking among scientists and doctors worldwide, and thus help develop life-saving treatments for this life-limiting disease.
Find out more: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/DavidSmith418
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