From the Departmental Newsletter: Congratulations to Mylene Huebecker of the Fran Platt lab and James Bae of the Ming Lei lab who shared last week’s Paton Prize of £250. Mylene’s presentation was entitled ‘Glycosphingolipids relevant to Parkinson’s disease change in normal ageing of the human and mouse brain’. Ecem Kaya also took part in the Paton talks and gave a well-received presentation about ‘Pharmacological approaches for lysosomal storage diseases’.
For the Paton Prize, second year graduate students are invited to give a presentation of their research work. All talks happen on the same day so that as many people in the Department as possible can listen. A prize is given to the student who gives the best presentation on the day. The Paton Prize is named in honour of the late Sir William Paton, former Professor of Pharmacology and the Head of the Department.
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